Massage Therapy

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Medical massage is one more “instrument in your medical bag”. You can use it as an alternative to pain medication, a recourse to deal with occasional or persistent aches and pains, a supplement to orthopedic exercise, occupational and physical therapy, and a complement to psychological therapy and palliative care.  


People experiencing pain, stiffness, tightness, and limited range of motion (from mild to severe) whose cause is suspected (I.e., sleeping wrong) or known (i.e., side effects of cancer treatment) benefit from medical massage. We address your problems under the following approaches:

Therapeutic care

o   We focus on the person’s muscular problem(s) brought on by a variety of reasons, such as:

§  Sleeping wrong

§  Strenuous physical activity

§  Poor posture

§  Headache/migraine

§  Herniated disc

§  Arthritis

§  Chronic conditions (i.e., fibromyalgia)

§  Lymphedema

§  Injury, trauma or accident (i.e., whiplash)

§  Side effects of neuro-muscular conditions (i.e., muscle atrophy)

§  Repetitive stress injury

§  Surgery recovery

§  Injury rehabilitation

§  Growing pains

§  And more…

Palliative care

o   We focus on the person’s quality of life that has been impacted by a serious illness and/or the side effects of their treatments. These illnesses include:

§  Cancer


§  Fibromyalgia

§  Parkinson’s

§  Alzheimer

§  Post-polio syndrome

§  And others…

Wellness care

o   We focus on the impacts to the person’s muscular and nervous system of diagnosed conditions such as:


§  Insomnia

§  Depression

§  Anxiety

§  And others…





Orthopedic Exercise is an approach to physical conditioning used to improve mobility challenges, such as:

·         deterioration of movement

·         poor posture

·         joint instability

·         compensation movement patterns

·         fear of pain/safety while moving/standing

·         limited range of motion

·         non-fluid motion

·         decreased functional flexibility

·         lack of balance

that arise from age, illness, chronic conditions and/or injury.


Your Orthopedic Exercise Specialist develops a progressive plan that supports your daily living activities. We aim to facilitate and improve your recovery/rehabilitation transition.


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